The Day with Harry Potter
gosh, Harry is sure FAMOUS. my fren n i actually got front row seats for e 4.00pm show when it was only 12pm when we bought e tickets. well, front row seats wouldn't have mattered if we were watching a live play rite now, but somehow front rows at movies just give u neck cramps...gee but well anything for potter...:)
wasnt exactly spectacular, or astonishingly exciting but i just got this pole in my eye...cant be helped,I love e novel series too much to talk nil bt it, with e 3rd book being my special favourite...anyway...i do think most people watched it cos they had read e novel...dat differs from Lord of e Rings in this book or movie 1st sequence; most ple watch LOTR without reading e novels...
saw a fren walking down orchard road, n i tot, should i call after her? u know dat feeling? when 2 previously remarkably close frens drifted apart, their physical distance can be neligible but their emotional distance is poles apart...n dat feeling sort of chills ur heart, n waves of emotional sparks heaves u...but u try to act cordial. n when i called her, an odd sort of familiarity comes to me..n dat feels weird...cos rem, i still have those emotion sparks traveling ard my body...i feel like giving her a hug n pushing her away at d same abt contradiction...mmm...
"People walk in n out of ur lives"...u know wat? i believe they will resurface n/or exit more than once...GOD always has plans for people...n purposes...
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